Mindful Recovery: The Role of Yoga in Postpartum Healing

Simone Muller


  1. Yoga has a Dual Purpose
  2. Conscious Movement is a Powerful Instrument
  3. Counteracting Repetitive Flexion with Extension Exercises
  4. More Postpartum Yoga Exercises
  5. Getting Started
  6. FAQs

Yoga has a Dual Purpose

Postnatal yoga is a tailor-made practice aimed at helping women regain their physical and mental strength after childbirth. Postpartum yoga is carefully crafted to balance body, mind, and spirit. The yoga benefits extend beyond physical restoration, encompassing mental well-being and self-care. The practice aids in reducing stress, fostering mindfulness, and instilling a sense of tranquillity.

Conscious movement is a powerful instrument

Conscious movement becomes a powerful tool to help postpartum women regain a sense of presence within one’s own body. Many of us, after childbirth, feel a disconnection from our physical selves as our bodies go through such extreme changes. These changes and the physical impact can linger and so the disconnection continues to remain.

Practising conscious movement helps to establish this lost connection, it nudges mothers to tune in to physical sensations and movements. It is important to note that this mindful technique creates a deeper awareness of the body’s current reality, its abilities and limitations, which helps foster a gentle familiarisation with oneself. It promotes healing and self-compassion and a nurturing path back to physical self-awareness and presence, making it an invaluable practice during the postpartum journey.

Counteracting Repetitive Flexion with Extension Exercises

Sleep deprivation as well as the repetitive flexion postures of holding and feeding babies can lead to tension and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and back. These repetitive movements that build-up tension in our body can be counteracted by opening up in gentle extension exercises in postpartum yoga, such as gentle backbends and shoulder openers. This practice will help lighten physical tension as well enhance your mental and emotional well-being, as you give yourself the vital self-care you deserve.

More Postpartum Yoga Exercises

A few other beneficial postnatal yoga exercises include:

- The Child's Pose (Balasana): a restorative pose that releases tension in the back, neck, and shoulders.

- The Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): aids in reestablishing spinal mobility while gently stretching the neck and torso.

- The Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): works wonders for strengthening the lower back and pelvic muscles, contributing to improved postural stability.

- Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): serves as a powerful pose to regain lower body strength and enhance overall body balance

Getting started with Hypopressives

For the Hypopressives classes it is important that you learn the Breathing/Apnea technique properly so that you can get the most out of the classes and the time you invest in yourself. Each week Simone runs Fundamentals sessions on Zoom where she explains the technique and guides you through all the steps.

She will also give you feedback to make sure that you're doing it correctly. For some, the technique may come more quickly than others. Some of her clients, who are tighter in the ribs and thoracic spine do tend to take a little longer. And here's the golden rule - for impactful change, Simone recommends at least three 15 to 20-minute workouts per week. Consistency is your best friend on this journey towards wellness.


Pilates is an excellent technique for bringing stability back to a destabilised postpartum body, but a lot of the traditional Pilates exercises, specifically curl ups (used often in mat-work repertoire) can be detrimental if pelvic floor dysfunction and diastasis recti are present. Unfortunately, at the 6-week postnatal checkup these issues are not properly assessed, and many women may not even realise they themselves are affected by these concerns.

There is a general acceptance of pelvic floor dysfunction with mothers often accepting that they may leak when running, sneezing or coughing. Also, the term “mum-tum” leads many women to unwillingly accept their new relationship with their bodies. LPF is a completely safe way of working a postnatal body and many of the women I work with have managed to reverse prolapse and drastically improve a diastasis.

I did the LPF training before having my second child and started practising postpartum after my second child. The difference in my recovery after my first labour where I only did Pilates was markedly different to when I practised LPF with my second. Within a few weeks my core was stronger than it had been before being pregnant with my second, and my pelvic floor was as strong as it was pre-kids!! If I hadn't seen the change with my own eyes or felt it in my body, I wouldn’t have believed it. It literally felt like the more I practised the more internal strength I developed. This was something I hadn’t felt since I was a professional dancer. I also loved that the technique doesn’t require hours of training. Only 10-20 minutes, three times a week will get visible results.

It is recommended at least 6-8 weeks after a vaginal delivery and 12 weeks after a c-section.

You will start to see results by practising 2-3 weekly sessions of 10-20 minutes. It is safe to practise daily once your body has adjusted to the practice which will take around 2-4 weeks.

How re-centre works

step 1 arrow

Subscribe to a live or on-demand package

step 2 arrow

Sign-up to a fundamentals class to learn the technique

step 3 arrow

Start the beginner Hypopressive classes

step 4 arrow

Individual support via a one-to-one check-ins

step 5

Progress to more advanced levels at your own pace

All subscriptions include


A live fundamental class to learn the technique


Unlimited access to over 250+ videos


One-to-one check-ins with me to discuss progress


New weekly videos


Full access to the Apple & Android App


Priority access to live workshops and retreats


Cancel easily online, anytime


14-day free trial

Live class schedule

What our members say

Learn the technique and get started

Hypopressives is an effective technique toward relieving symptoms related to Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Diastasis Recti and Urinary Incontinence. Hypopressives also improves poor posture, pelvic floor weakness and back pain. I offer a flexible approach to memberships and a 14-day free trial.


About the Author

Simone Muller is the founder of re-centre and has over 22 years of teaching experience across Pilates, Low Pressure Fitness and Yoga.

She launched the online platform to make Low Pressure Fitness and Hypopressives more accessible to more women around the world so that they can become the strongest and most functional versions of themselves.

Originally from South Africa, Simone's dance and Pilates career evolved when she faced post-childbirth challenges, prompting her to explore Low Pressure Fitness in Spain.

As the first level 3 instructor in London, she has witnessed transformative postnatal rehabilitation results in clients, addressing issues like Diastasis Recti, prolapse and incontinence.

Simone has written articles for the re-centre blog 'Kegels not Working?', 'The connection between menstruation and prolapse symptoms' and 'Why I love teaching postnatal rehabilitation?'.

Simone has also written guest posts for The Shala 'What is Low Pressure Fitness', Yana Active 'Prioritising your Pelvic Floor Health After Giving Birth and Nurturing the Core' and for The Pelvic Academy 'Empowering Women's Health - The Power of Collaboration Between Hypopressives, Physiotherapists and Osteopaths'.

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