Simone Muller

The Integration of Yoga and Hypopressives for Effective Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Postpartum, a period of joy and transformation, also requires unique care, especially for the pelvic floor. Pregnancy and childbirth can greatly influence the pelvic floor muscles, potentially triggering problems like pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and diastasis recti. Therefore, it's essential to care for your pelvic floor after childbirth.

For an effective recovery, it's recommended to use a well-rounded approach that combines the benefits of Yoga and Hypopressives. This holistic strategy, focusing on the restoration of the pelvic floor, can help alleviate postpartum symptoms and contribute to a healthier recovery.

Yoga for Strengthening the Pelvic Floor

Yoga for pregnancy and postnatal care is an effective method for strengthening and releasing the pelvic floor before birth and restoring it after childbirth. Yoga is perfect for beginners, and can improve and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles while encouraging relaxation and reducing stress. Here are a few yoga positions that may help build the pelvic floor:

- Malasana (Garland Pose): A deep squatting posture, this pose promotes the opening of the pelvic region, strengthening and stretching the pelvic floor muscles.
- Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose): Performed by sitting with the soles of the feet touching and knees fanned open, this pose targets the pelvic floor and inner thighs, enhancing flexibility and encouraging blood circulation in the region.
- Cat-Cow Pose: This dynamic posture involving alternating rounding and arching of the spine helps stimulate the deep core muscles, including the pelvic floor.
- Bridge Pose: Raising the hips from the ground, the bridge pose supports the glutes, hamstrings, and pelvic floor muscles.
- Savasana (Corpse Pose): This final pose allows the body to rest and rejuvenate, promoting holistic well-being and reducing stress.

Hypopressive Technique for Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Hypopressives can have a significant impact on postpartum pelvic floor care. Hypopressives is a system of breathing and body positioning, focused on the body's internal mechanics.

This technique reduces intra-abdominal pressure and internally tones core muscles, including the pelvic floor and the transversus abdominis. The result is an improvement in the functioning of the pelvic floor, a reduction in waist circumference, and an increase in internal organ support. As a result, your pelvic health and posture will improve. Hypopressives is also used to alleviate unique conditions such as a hypertonic pelvic floor.

Yoga and Hypopressives: A Harmonised Approach

When postpartum women combine the benefits of Yoga and Hypopressives, they'll get a balanced and effective approach to pelvic floor rehabilitation. Simone Muller's personal experiences and the results she has seen in her clients show that using Hypopressives along with yoga is effective for restoring the pelvic floor after childbirth. She has seen firsthand the life-changing effects of implementing this holistic strategy after helping over 400 women through the re-centre platform.

pelvic floor yoga

Getting started with yoga to strengthen your pelvic floor

To get the most out of your time and effort in the Hypopressives classes, it is important that you learn the Apnea breathing technique. It also ensures that you are carrying out your practice in a safe manner.

Simone runs weekly fundamental sessions where she will guide you through the technique either in a one-to-one setting or in a small group on Zoom - think of it as your personal introductory tour through all the technique's steps, with feedback given to ensure you're on the right path. While most people understand and can apply the technique after this session, don't worry if you need a little extra time. Some clients, especially those with tightness in their ribs and thoracic spine, may benefit from an additional session.

Once you've learned the technique, Simone recommends at least three 15 to 20-minute workouts per week to really make an impactful change. Consistency is key in this journey. After the initial session, you can start with the live and recorded classes to incorporate this effective routine into your daily lifestyle.

How re-centre works

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Subscribe to a live or on-demand package

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Sign-up to a fundamentals class to learn the technique

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Start the beginner classes

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Individual support via a one-to-one check-ins

step 5

Progress to more advanced levels at your own pace

All subscriptions include


A live fundamental class to learn the technique


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One-to-one check-ins with me to discuss progress


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About the Author

Simone Muller is the founder of re-centre and has over 22 years of teaching experience across Pilates, Low Pressure Fitness and Yoga.

She launched the online platform to make Low Pressure Fitness and Hypopressives more accessible to more women around the world so that they can become the strongest and most functional versions of themselves.

Originally from South Africa, Simone's dance and Pilates career evolved when she faced post-childbirth challenges, prompting her to explore Low Pressure Fitness in Spain.

As the first level 3 instructor in London, she has witnessed transformative postnatal rehabilitation results in clients, addressing issues like Diastasis Recti, prolapse and incontinence.

Simone has written articles for the re-centre blog 'Kegels not Working?', 'The connection between menstruation and prolapse symptoms' and 'Why I love teaching postnatal rehabilitation?'.

Simone has also written guest posts for The Shala 'What is Low Pressure Fitness', Yana Active 'Prioritising your Pelvic Floor Health After Giving Birth and Nurturing the Core' and for The Pelvic Academy 'Empowering Women's Health - The Power of Collaboration Between Hypopressives, Physiotherapists and Osteopaths'.

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Hypopressives is an effective technique toward relieving symptoms related to Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Diastasis Recti and Urinary Incontinence. Hypopressives also improves poor posture, pelvic floor weakness and back pain. I offer a flexible approach to memberships and a 14-day free trial.