
What is Hypopressives/Low Pressure Fitness?

Low Pressure Fitness is a complete movement system that tones and restores function to the core including the pelvic floor, abdominals, postural muscles and the diaphragm. It uses a technique called an apnea or “abdominal vacuum” which is done whist holding specific postures and as you advance more dynamic movements are added. The reduction in pressure in the abdominal cavity whilst holding the apnea in specific poses has a positive effect on relieving a broad range of symptoms, including Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Diastasis Recti and urinary incontinence.

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti is defined as a separation of the Linea Alba, which is the connective tissue between the two sides of the Rectus Abdominal muscles (the six pack muscles).


Some of the signs that you have a Diastasis Recti:

  • Belly still looks “pregnant” or pooches out several months postpartum
  • Nagging Lower back pain
  • Bulge or dome every time you do an abdominal “crunch”
  • Abs won’t “come back” no matter what you do
  • Pelvic floor issues such as leaking when you cough or sneeze

How common is Diastasis Recti?
It is completely normal, in fact, 100% of women will have some degree of separation at delivery.

What causes Diastasis Recti?
During pregnancy the connective tissue between the two sides of the Rectus Abdominal muscles thins out to accommodate for the growing uterus. The problem begins in the months following the delivery when healing or closure of the separation does not occur. Most women will have spontaneous healing but for others the separation can persist months to even years Postpartum.

Pelvic Organ Proalpse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse occurs when one or more of the organs (uterus, bladder, or rectum) in the pelvis slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina.


How common is Prolapse? Roughly 50 per cent of women who have been pregnant will have some kind of prolapse.

What causes Pelvic Organ Prolapse? With the extra weight of your baby and hormone changes your pelvic floor is weakened during pregnancy, and then again after giving birth. This weakening or loosening of the muscles and tissues supporting your pelvic organs can allow for one or more of the pelvic organs to drop or press into or out of the vagina.

Urinary Incontinence

It can range from the occasional leak when you laugh, cough, sneeze or exercise, to the complete inability to control your bladder. As urinary incontinence has become socially normalised, in many cases, women do not seek appropriate treatment. However, specific exercises can both reduce and stop urinary incontinence.


How common is incontinence? Urinary incontinence affects around 30% of woman within the first year of having a baby.

What causes incontinence? The most common cause of pregnancy-related urinary incontinence or urgency is weak pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles support the uterus and help control the bladder and bowel. The weight of your baby can weaken these muscles.
Incontinence after childbirth, can be due to the weakening of pelvic floor muscles that can happen during vaginal births.

Learn the technique and get started

Hypopressives is an effective technique toward relieving symptoms related to Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Diastasis Recti and Urinary Incontinence. Hypopressives also improves poor posture, pelvic floor weakness and back pain. I offer a flexible approach to memberships and a 14-day free trial.

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