Simone Muller postnatal personal trainer

Embracing a Holistic Approach in Postnatal Personal Training Classes

In the current postpartum "bounceback culture," women often face pressure to quickly return to intense physical activities after childbirth. This rush can jeopardise their health by applying unnecessary stress to the still-recovering pelvic connective tissues, potentially causing more harm than good. The focus should shift from this quick recovery mindset to a holistic view, prioritising long-term health and wellbeing.

Additionally, many women are recommended to regularly perform kegel exercises without proper understanding or guidance.

This lack of instruction complicates integrating kegels into daily routines. In the absence of correct breathing techniques or when the pelvic floor is overly tight, kegels may not only be ineffective but could also aggravate specific pelvic issues.

Embracing Holistic Postnatal Healing: The Story of Simone Muller

Simone Muller, the founder of re-centre who teaches postnatal core exercises, deeply understands the postpartum challenges many women face. Her journey towards finding effective postnatal solutions led her to Hypopressives after the birth of her first child. Despite her extensive experience in teaching postnatal Pilates, she felt the outcomes related to Diastasis Recti, incontinence, and prolapse issues weren't enough. Hypopressives emerged as a transformative tool, promising not only remarkable results but also ensuring safety and adaptability for postpartum women.

Unlocking the Potential of Postnatal Hypopressives

Hypopressives, a special blend of breathing and posture management, work seamlessly with the body's internal framework. It aims to decrease intra-abdominal pressure while toning core muscles, especially the pelvic floor and transversus abdominis, from the inside. Resulting in enhanced pelvic floor performance, decreased waist circumference, and increased support for internal organs. This comprehensive approach leads to improved posture and optimal pelvic health, demonstrating the transformative power of Hypopressives in facilitating a more rounded and effective postnatal recovery.

Ideal Timing and Considerations for A Postnatal Personal Trainer Regimen

Simone Muller suggests starting Hypopressives in the later part of the postpartum period, ideally around six weeks after natural births. However, a longer waiting period of at least three months is recommended for those who have had surgical procedures like caesarean sections. Prior to beginning any postnatal personal trainer classes, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider and undergo a pelvic floor assessment. These steps are necessary to ensure a personalised and safe approach to each woman's postnatal recovery journey.

Observing the Power of Hypopressives

Simone Muller's journey, together with the major improvements seen in her clients, confirms the effectiveness of Hypopressives in restoring the postnatal pelvic floor. Having mentored over 400 women via her re-centre platform, as a postnatal personal trainer in London, Simone has witnessed the transformative potential of this comprehensive method. Hypopressives go beyond addressing physical concerns such as Diastasis Recti, , and prolapse. They also enhance strength, improve functionality, and boost overall wellbeing, making them an empowering choice for postpartum recovery.

Postnatal Personal Training Classes

Getting started with Postnatal Personal Trainer Classes

The first step is mastering the Apnea technique. Simone will be on Zoom with you every week - think of it as your personal guided tour through all the technique's steps, with feedback thrown in to ensure you're on the right path. And don't worry if it takes some time to get it right. Some clients, especially those with a bit more tightness in their ribs and thoracic spine, might need a little extra patience.

And here's the golden rule - for impactful change, Simone recommends at least three 15 to 20-minute workouts per week. Consistency is your best friend on this journey towards wellness.

How re-centre works

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Subscribe to a live or on-demand package

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Sign-up to a fundamentals class to learn the technique

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Start the beginner Hypopressive classes

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Individual support via a one-to-one check-ins

step 5

Progress to more advanced levels at your own pace

All subscriptions include


A live fundamental class to learn the technique


Unlimited access to over 250+ videos


One-to-one check-ins with me to discuss progress


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About the Author

Simone Muller is the founder of re-centre and has over 22 years of teaching experience across Pilates, Low Pressure Fitness and Yoga.

She launched the online platform to make Low Pressure Fitness and Hypopressives more accessible to more women around the world so that they can become the strongest and most functional versions of themselves.

Originally from South Africa, Simone's dance and Pilates career evolved when she faced post-childbirth challenges, prompting her to explore Low Pressure Fitness in Spain.

As the first level 3 instructor in London, she has witnessed transformative postnatal rehabilitation results in clients, addressing issues like Diastasis Recti, prolapse and incontinence.

Simone has written articles for the re-centre blog 'Kegels not Working?', 'The connection between menstruation and prolapse symptoms' and 'Why I love teaching postnatal rehabilitation?'.

Simone has also written guest posts for The Shala 'What is Low Pressure Fitness', Yana Active 'Prioritising your Pelvic Floor Health After Giving Birth and Nurturing the Core' and for The Pelvic Academy 'Empowering Women's Health - The Power of Collaboration Between Hypopressives, Physiotherapists and Osteopaths'.

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Hypopressives is an effective technique toward relieving symptoms related to Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Diastasis Recti and Urinary Incontinence. Hypopressives also improves poor posture, pelvic floor weakness and back pain. I offer a flexible approach to memberships and a 14-day free trial.